Comparing buildings with Enviromental Awareness

     When an Architect has got a big big project in place, they don’t just draw something they like and done, no no, they have to consider every single little detail that goes into it, this is “gesto arquitectonico”. Much like the saunas of the Stone Thermal Baths in Switzerland. Also like the monument that is the Georges Pompidou Center in Paris, France .They share similarities but are completely different when you look at them from a spectators point of view

    The Stone Thermal Baths structure is a masterpiece. It's built into the ground and with grass on the roof, so as to not disturb the natural scenery and surrounding of the mountain valley it’s placed on, for the residents' pleasure. It has barely any artificial lighting, the different pools with different temperatures and free rain is just such a clever design and way of giving the building a purpose as much as having a certain artistry. This piece of architecture I think is such a good example of function and beauty, there isn’t one or the other it’s both coexisting .This very similar to how this building is co existing with the natural environment surrounding it and its residents, truly a well thought out addition to the land.

    The Georges Pompidou Center  “accidental monument, has to be one of my favorites from all the videos we watched. I found it incredibly crazy how every single pipe for any resource is on one side and outside of the building and how the walkways are on the opposite side, this done on purpose so there can be a completely free recreational space. I had no clue that this type of building layout was possible, a building without walls essentially, only for the bathroom and some temporary work spaces. This being a great example of “gesto arquitectonico” because it’s a free reign area for the residents and that it attempts to reflect the city, literally it has glass that’s tinted in such a way that you can see the surrounding buildings. 

In this field of work, it is immensely important to consider and think about every detail of the structure's layout but also about how it is going to impact the area it’s placed on. I love how creative and crazy these buildings are and how they tend to start away from the modern architecture I see on the day to day. I’m not saying that modern buildings are badly built. My point is only that some buildings have more thought about the environment than others. But regardless, I think more buildings have to be built coexisting with nature instead of obliterating it.


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