Essentials to design: Creativity

 I'm starting this being completely honest, I did not learn anything new from the particular class that I'm writing about. With the only exception being at the end of it. What i mean by this is that i already knew about the example of the mouse and in general of its creator. But what I did learn about was exactly what it means to be creative and a basic idea of the “scientific method” but for design. Which I understand may seem common knowledge but it was more of a clear up in my case.

I find it amusing that we as people always like to have a system, an order of events to lead us to something. The most common and most taught one being the scientific method, we all know it, you observe then hypothesize, then test and you know the rest. But what I  find most interesting is that more creative minded people have a different method, of three basic principles. Analysis, synthesis and evaluation. Which yes I know is basically the same thing, but it's different for a reason, this being that people that have to consider artistry and functionality can't just go on facts alone, we have to consider if it makes people comfortable or if it can give off the feeling we're trying to pursue. An entire creative process.

A creative process is different for every person on earth since well, it's a personal thing. Some people like to think it through a lot and in opposition, there are other who can just do and it works out, everyone is different. In class though, I had not realized a very crucial definition of a seemingly basic word we use everyday, Creativity. I thought creativity was just the ability to create or make, hence the word. Yet I was mistaken, a creative person is someone with the capacity to look from perspective, to be able to change their train of thought as needed, i found this eye opening. 

Creativity is an essential part of living and an even more important one for the design process. Creativity, the ability to look at the same  situation from different perspectives and act accordingly. This means that not everyone is creative, everyone has their different process but not everyone is creative, at most everyone has their personal way to deal. This I think ties up perfectly with my previous essays main focal point, but this is more on the artist side, creativity is what makes the beauty part of architecture possible. Beauty and function


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