
Essentials to design: Creativity

  I'm starting this being completely honest, I did not learn anything new from the particular class that I'm writing about. With the only exception being at the end of it. What i mean by this is that i already knew about the example of the mouse and in general of its creator. But what I did learn about was exactly what it means to be creative and a basic idea of the “scientific method” but for design. Which I understand may seem common knowledge but it was more of a clear up in my case. I find it amusing that we as people always like to have a system, an order of events to lead us to something. The most common and most taught one being the scientific method, we all know it, you observe then hypothesize, then test and you know the rest. But what I  find most interesting is that more creative minded people have a different method, of three basic principles. Analysis, synthesis and evaluation. Which yes I know is basically the same thing, but it's different for a reason, this

Eames: revolutionary couple

  When I heard and saw the descriptions of the Eames ’ workspace, it was like seeing my room. I knew this in the sense that it looked messy and that it’s absolutely littered with materials and tools for projects. I never realized that an office doesn’t have to be contorted and constrained into the basic structure we see in modern day, table, cubicle, chair and lights. It’s no that I had never thought about it, or that I thought it was something “illegal” but it had never crossed my mind. I liked seeing how even their office portrayed their way of thinking outside the box, both function because they can move stuff around how they please and beauty, because there were bits and bobs or artistry spread around.   Another metaphor for what is design that I saw and could think about in the documentary is well the couple itself. Ray Eames, being a painter having a more abstract and artistic way of looking at the world in combination with Charles, an already successful architect with incredibl

Cultural influence in Architecture

     In class last time, we were talking about how in general the origin of architecture was more seemingly a repetition of a way something was built, as in copy pasted. Which we can now see that due to the economic and cultural influence it has been flooded with, that meaning has changed. Architecture has been influenced by its surroundings through the passage of time, we can see this in the movie Baraka and it does have a similarity with its functionality and its beauty.      I genuinely had not realized this, I find it so crazy that we were influenced even by buildings, and that said buildings can be influenced by our living. Take for example, poverty throughout history. People with riches lived in palaces and had immense room for anything they wanted, more poverty restricted folks were forced to live in caves or small and cramped areas, this is why we get a homey feeling from small houses and why we get a feelings of power or maybe awe when we go into a large enclosed area, its an

Comparing buildings with Enviromental Awareness

       When an Architect has got a big big project in place, they don’t just draw something they like and done, no no, they have to consider every single little detail that goes into it, this is “gesto arquitectonico”. Much like the saunas of the Stone Thermal Baths in Switzerland. Also like the monument that is the Georges Pompidou Center in Paris, France .They share similarities but are completely different when you look at them from a spectators point of view      The Stone Thermal Baths structure is a masterpiece. It's built into the ground and with grass on the roof, so as to not disturb the natural scenery and surrounding of the mountain valley it’s placed on, for the residents' pleasure. It has barely any artificial lighting, the different pools with different temperatures and free rain is just such a clever design and way of giving the building a purpose as much as having a certain artistry. This piece of architecture I think is such a good example of function and beaut

Function Vs Beauty

  Relation between Baraka and the Syllabus Upon watching the entirety of Baraka and rereading Intro to architecture syllabus, I can see that they both display this sense of opposites within each other. Let me explain further, In both works, there is a side with a more orderly form, a more organized and sort of mechanical illustration of something, functional. While on the other side, there’s a display of fun, tradition and pleasure in the actions or crafts shown off. These mean that both works prove and contradict each other, function vs. beauty or pleasure. Function, something made with no regard for beauty or how aesthetically pleasing it is, it is only made to work. In the film, this can be seen in the scenes where there is labor, where there are factories with an impeccable automation system or labor camps with millions of people who are working like machines. In the reading, it talks about function, Again how and why something is made, usually in an orderly sequence. When watching


       I'll be starting this text saying, I had absolutely NO idea what I was going to watch when I decided to watch Baraka, but it was weirdly interesting to me. I have to be honest and say that I found it  a bit boring at first, the only thing that kept my attention was the music. Then, as i slowly understood what it was actually about, I had a little more patience. I really did love seeing all the different cultures and their  traditions and religious activities, it was an eye opener. It's not that I was ignorant to other cultures and their rituals, but I never actually took the time to research and watch said rituals. I found a little disturbing some of the sounds the various groups made but after that I was able  to calm down with the nice nature scenery between the transition of the different cultures and places.  It's really impressive ho this is all essentially, raw footage. It's just people doing their thing, living their daily lives, and all of that for us to